Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week of August 27th. Goodbye, Orgetorix

This week:

1. Read/translate/discuss Book I Chapters 4 & 5
2. New set of Caesar vocabulary
3. Grammar: gerunds and gerundives (bring Latin III book if you have it). 
4. Written questions over Chapters 4 & 5.

Coming soon: our first test over Chapters 1-5. Gaudeamus!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week of August 20, 2012

Orgetorix Coin (Image from Wikipedia)

This week we will...

  • Translate Book 1, Chapters 2 & 3--sight-read and discuss in class.
  • Have a grammar lesson over "ut" clauses, and one on a topic to be determined
  • Have vocabulary quiz over the first 10 words on Friday.
Translation will be due on Friday.