Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week of October 1-5, 2012

Monday 10/1: Book 4 Chapter 31

       New vocabulary list ( Board)

       Translate CH 4.31

Tuesday 10/2: 

       Vocabulary review ( Board

       Translate CH 4.32

Wednesday 10/3:

            Vocabulary review ( Board)

            Grammar Review: Infinitives and Indirect Statement (Latin III book, p. 22-23)

             Translate CH 4.33

Thursday 10/4:

             Vocabulary review ( Board)

             Translate CH 4.34

Friday 10/5:

             Vocabulary review ( Board)

             Complete 4.34/Go over 4.35 and end of Book 4

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week of September 24-28

Monday: Check of last week's translations for grade
                Complete 4.27 and begin 4.28
                Vocabulary 3 Review

Tuesday: Complete 4.28, begin 4.29. 
                Grammar: Participles (from Latin III book)
                Review Vocabulary 3

Wednesday: Complete 4.29, Begin 4.30
                     Grammar: Ablative Absolutes (from Latin III book)
                     Review Vocabulary 3

Thursday: Complete 4.30
                  Review Vocabulary 3

Friday: Vocabulary 3 Quiz
             Discuss/take up translations

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of 9/17/2012

Caesar Invades Britain

Monday: I will be on Freshman Retreat. You guys go wherever it is I told you. It's posted on the classroom door.

Tuesday-Friday: We will continue from Book IV.24 and get through Chapter 30, if possible.

                          New vocabulary (#3) list on Wednesday.

I am still working on your tests. Give me time.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week of September 10-14

Several things are going on this week:

1) Test on Friday over Book I. It will contain some translation, grammar questions from the text (ellipsis, asyndeton, polysendeton, gerunds, gerundives, gerundive of obligation), and general questions over the story.

Monday: Go over remainder of Book I that you were to read in translation.

Tuesday-Thursday: Work on Book IV, Chapters 24-26.

Friday: Test over Book I. Turn in Chapter 24-26 translations.

A note on the readings in translation: due to the syllabus pacing, we will not be able to read everything in class. You will have to do most of that on your own so we can cover the required translations in class, as well as the grammar lessons and readings from other authors. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week of September 3-7, 2012

We will have weird, wacky schedules on Thursday and Friday due to the football game on Thursday, so be prepared to use the short time we have in class on those days wisely. No time to fool around!

Monday: Labor Day Holiday. You can come to school if you wish, but don't expect to see me there.


1) Read/translate/discuss Book I Chapters 6-7. After this we will read the rest of the book in English (in your textbook) and head to Book 4.

2) Vocabulary Quiz 2 on Friday.

3) Grammar: gerundives. Woot!

I will schedule a test next week, date TBA. It can cover everything we've read, translated, discussed, grammar, literary devices used by Caesar, etc.