Sunday, May 5, 2013

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye.

Our last week together. 

Monday and Tuesday we will finish Book 6 and do a couple of more comprehension practices.

Wednesday and Thursday most of you will be here and there taking AP Exams.

Friday we will tell stories, reminisce, and bid a tearful farewell to the wonderful world of SPX Latin.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week of April 29-May 3, 2013

Aeneas and Sibyl in the Underworld

As our time together is growing shorter, we will push hard to finish Book 6. 

Monday: 6.295-304

Tuesday: 6.305-316

Wednesday: 6.317-332

Thursday: 6.384-397

Friday: 6.398-410

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week of April 22-26, 2013

Monday: Complete Workbook for Book IV

Tuesday/Wednesday: Work on exam in class (more details on Monday)

Thursday: Introduction to Book VI (the last)

Friday: Senior Raffle Holiday

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Week of April 15, 2013

Due Monday: 4.259-361

Monday: Go over 259-361 after homework check.

Tuesday: Vocabulary Quiz/Begin lines 659-705.

Wednesday: Work on lines 659-705 in class.

Thursday: Lines 659-705 due/Complete Book 4 handout.

Friday: Review for test/Scansion Practice

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week of 4/8/2013

New Vocabulary Set HERE

This week: 

Book 4.259-361--I will give time to work on it in class, due Friday when we will go over.

Also, I have questions over the passage that will be helpful. 

We will finish Book 4 next week, take a test, and push on through the short selections in Book 6. 

The plan is to read the remainder in English, and spend the time left before the exam reading other authors. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week of 3/25-29/2013

We will spend the week working from the Excelability in Latin book. No Vergil. 

Vocab Quiz on Tuesday.

No school on Friday.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week of March 18-22, 2013

Vergil Vocabulary List 4

Monday/Tuesday: We will work from the book "Excelability (sic) in Advanced Latin." Grammar stuff, and also reading from different authors.

At the same time, work on Book IV.160-172 (naughtiness in the cave with nymphs shrieking on the mountain tops) for Tuesday.

Wed/Thursday: work on 173-218 (Rumor does her dirty work) for Friday. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Translation Suggestion

If you are looking for a good translation of the Aeneid for a reasonable price, I suggest Robert Fitzgerald's version. I just picked up a brand new edition today at Half Price Books for $5.99. 

Week of March 4-8, 2013

Well, we only have two days together, so we will do the following: 

Complete 2.567-620, discuss the questions, etc...

Carah and Halle will take the quiz...

Please get any owed work to me before you leave for retreat...

and then we say adios until after Spring Break. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week of February 25-March 1

And the snakes go "Nom, nom, nom."

Monday: Book 2.268-297
Tuesday: Questions over 268-297
Wednesday: Book 2.559-587
Thursday: Questions over 559-587
Friday: Vocabulary Quiz/588-620

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week of February 18-22, 2013

Monday: Holiday for you. This awaits me...
Trotskyites at hard labor in a Stalinist camp

Tuesday: Book 2.40-59/New vocabulary
               Practice your vocabulary here.
Wednesday: Read 57-200 in English
Thursday: Book 2.201-249
Friday: Read 250-267 in English

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week of February 11-15, 2013

Link to the Aeneid scanning guy giving the background of the Aeneid.

Monday: Scansion Practice and discuss exam

Tuesday: I will be out. I will let you write your essays during this class period. They will be due Wednesday.

Wednesday: We will complete the remainder of the exam. 

Thursday: Read in English up to line 40 in Book II. Translate 40-56 for Monday.

Friday: Raffle Holiday
Monday: Presidents' Day Holiday 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week of February 4-8

Our goal is to complete Book I.494-578 by Friday

We will also read those parts in Book I in English not covered by the Latin translations. 

I have a test over Book I scheduled for Wednesday next week (2/13).

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week of 1/28-2/1

Goal this week: Complete through line 519,  

     complete Book 1 next week

Monday-Friday: Translate 1.157-209; 1.418-440; 


Mon-Thursday: Vocab Review/Quiz Friday (Quizlet)

Tuesday: Scansion Practice 2 (Smart Board)

Wednesday: Grammar Practice (from workbook)

Thursday: Complete translations in class

Friday: Vocab Quiz, Check translations/turn-in

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week of January 21-25...Back to Work


Go over NLE practice exams
Go over translation through line 80, turn in
Scansion Practice
Begin I.81-123


New Vergil vocabulary
Work on lines 81-123


Vocab Review
Go over, turn in lines 81-123
Grammar practice


Vocab Review
Begin lines 124-156

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week of January 14-In media res

This week: Book I.34-80

Monday: lines 34-49 and Questions over the passage.

Tuesday: Vergil Vocab Quiz 1; Scansion Practice; go over and discuss lines 34-49

Wednesday: Begin Lines 50-80. Because of the Junior Retreat, these will be due on Monday, as well as the questions over the passage.

Thursday and Friday: For those not on the retreat, work on the assigned passage and questions. Go to Room 102 with Mr. Kurian.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week of 1/7/2013--I sing of arms and the man...

Quizlet Vergil Vocabulary List 1

Scanning Latin Poetry

Monday: Vergil Background PPT, New vocabulary.

Tuesday: Intro to scansion, translate Book I, lines 1-11.

Wednesday: Further scansion practice, go over lines 1-11, translate lines 12-22

Thursday: Go over lines 12-22, translate lines 23-33. Begin Lesson 1 Workbook

Friday: Go over, discuss, and complete workbook assignment.