Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week of 1/28-2/1

Goal this week: Complete through line 519,  

     complete Book 1 next week

Monday-Friday: Translate 1.157-209; 1.418-440; 


Mon-Thursday: Vocab Review/Quiz Friday (Quizlet)

Tuesday: Scansion Practice 2 (Smart Board)

Wednesday: Grammar Practice (from workbook)

Thursday: Complete translations in class

Friday: Vocab Quiz, Check translations/turn-in

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week of January 21-25...Back to Work


Go over NLE practice exams
Go over translation through line 80, turn in
Scansion Practice
Begin I.81-123


New Vergil vocabulary
Work on lines 81-123


Vocab Review
Go over, turn in lines 81-123
Grammar practice


Vocab Review
Begin lines 124-156

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week of January 14-In media res

This week: Book I.34-80

Monday: lines 34-49 and Questions over the passage.

Tuesday: Vergil Vocab Quiz 1; Scansion Practice; go over and discuss lines 34-49

Wednesday: Begin Lines 50-80. Because of the Junior Retreat, these will be due on Monday, as well as the questions over the passage.

Thursday and Friday: For those not on the retreat, work on the assigned passage and questions. Go to Room 102 with Mr. Kurian.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week of 1/7/2013--I sing of arms and the man...

Quizlet Vergil Vocabulary List 1

Scanning Latin Poetry

Monday: Vergil Background PPT, New vocabulary.

Tuesday: Intro to scansion, translate Book I, lines 1-11.

Wednesday: Further scansion practice, go over lines 1-11, translate lines 12-22

Thursday: Go over lines 12-22, translate lines 23-33. Begin Lesson 1 Workbook

Friday: Go over, discuss, and complete workbook assignment.