Saturday, March 23, 2013

Week of 3/25-29/2013

We will spend the week working from the Excelability in Latin book. No Vergil. 

Vocab Quiz on Tuesday.

No school on Friday.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Week of March 18-22, 2013

Vergil Vocabulary List 4

Monday/Tuesday: We will work from the book "Excelability (sic) in Advanced Latin." Grammar stuff, and also reading from different authors.

At the same time, work on Book IV.160-172 (naughtiness in the cave with nymphs shrieking on the mountain tops) for Tuesday.

Wed/Thursday: work on 173-218 (Rumor does her dirty work) for Friday. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Translation Suggestion

If you are looking for a good translation of the Aeneid for a reasonable price, I suggest Robert Fitzgerald's version. I just picked up a brand new edition today at Half Price Books for $5.99. 

Week of March 4-8, 2013

Well, we only have two days together, so we will do the following: 

Complete 2.567-620, discuss the questions, etc...

Carah and Halle will take the quiz...

Please get any owed work to me before you leave for retreat...

and then we say adios until after Spring Break.