Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week of January 20, 2014

Monday: Holiday

Vocab Quiz Vergil 1
Workbook due—check and go over

Vergil Vocab 2
Book I Lines 34-80

Thursday & Friday

Work on/complete lines 34-80

Friday, January 10, 2014

Week of January 13, 2014

Monday: translate lines 12-22

Tuesday: Go over lines 12-22; translate lines 23-33

Wednesday: Substitute assignment

Thursday: go over 23-33; begin workbook

Friday: begin lines 34-80

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Vergil--Semester 2, 2013-14 Week of 1/6/2013

Now we begin Vergil's Aeneid. I will post lesson plans here on the blog.

Scanning Latin Poetry

Monday: Inservice

Tuesday: Vergil Background PPT, New vocabulary.

Wednesday: Intro to scansion, translate Book I, lines 1-11.

Thursday: Further scansion practice, go over lines 1-11, translate lines 12-22

Friday: Go over lines 12-22, translate lines 23-33. Begin Lesson 1 Workbook. (I will give you a copy.)