Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome Aboard, AP Latin!

Welcome to Latin IV AP: Caesar and Vergil!

If you have already looked over the syllabus, the course appears to be quite daunting. It will be challenging and require much hard work, but you can do it. The main thing is to complete tasks by the due dates, pay attention in class, be prepared for each class session, and ask lots of questions. Come to tutorials as needed.

We will discuss day-by-day operations when we meet, and how each syllabus requirement will be met. I will give you a copy of the class calendar so you know what to expect each week. 

We will begin with Caesar's Gallic Wars because I felt it was a good transition back into Latin, and it will be a good preparation for the rigors of the Aeneid. Both works are almost contemporaneous, and what happened during the death     throws of the Republic deeply influenced Vergil. 

I will be putting your weekly lesson plans on this blog. Please subscribe to receive updates as I make them. I will also have Q & A here as part of your assignments as well as other things. This will be our internet home. 

Bona Fortuna!

Magister Wood

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