Saturday, October 20, 2012

Project for Book IV

De Bello Gallico

Book IV Project

The following project will count as your test grade for Book IV. Select the one that most stimulates your brain and make it creative. Of course, this makes the grading somewhat subjective, but I like creativity. I will make a rubric depending upon which you choose.

You may do an individual project, or work in a small 

Due date: TBA

1. Write and read the Roman Evening News reporting the events of Book IV in a journalistic style.

2. Write and stage a Roman game show based upon a current TV show’s format using Book IV as the game.

3. Draw a cartoon (Manga) about Caesar’s invasion of Britain.

4. Write and perform an Invasion of Britain soap opera.

5. Write a gossip columnist’s report about an incident during the invasion.

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