Friday, December 7, 2012

Week of 12/10/2012

Monday: Complete Book VI:18-20 in Latin.

Tuesday-Wednesday: Read the remainder of Book VI in English.

Thursday: Saturnalia project/toys due. 

Friday: Midterm review.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week of 12/3-7/2012

This week we will read/translate the seven chapters of Book 6, then finish it off in English. 

Time to wrap up Caesar, move on to the final (for those unlucky enough to have to take it), and prepare for Vergil in January.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Week of 11/26-30.

This week we will complete Book 5 in English translation so we can cover as much of the Latin in Book 6 as possible. If it looks like we will run out of time with Book 6, we will complete it in English as well. 

Book 6 is where Caesar describes the culture of the Gauls and it is quite interesting to read Caesar as a cultural historian. We don't want to skip it. 

Plan on a test over Book 5 on Friday. More on that as I get the test together. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

We will work on the Saturnalia project on Monday and Tuesday. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week of November 12-16, 2012

The objectives this week:

1. Cover Book 5, Chapters 36-40.
2. Introduction to Christmas project on Wednesday.
3. Vocab quiz on Friday.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week of November 5-9, 2012

This week we will attempt to complete through Chapter 36. I want to be done with Book 5 well before Thanksgiving. I will also be preparing a list of rhetorical devices used by Caesar in the readings so far.

Monday: Carah and Allison present. 
               Go over 31, begin 32 for tomorrow
               New vocabulary.

Tuesday: Vocab Review/go over 32/begin 33.

Wednesday: Vocab Review/go over 33/begin 34

Thursday: Vocab Review/go over 34/begin 35

Friday: Vocab Review/go over 35/begin 36

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of 10/29-11/2/2012: The Meltdown Continues...

Monday: Project workday

Tuesday: Complete Chapters 29 & 30

Wednesday: Chapter 31/32

Thursday: Chapter 32/33

Friday: Present Book 4 Projects

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Project for Book IV

De Bello Gallico

Book IV Project

The following project will count as your test grade for Book IV. Select the one that most stimulates your brain and make it creative. Of course, this makes the grading somewhat subjective, but I like creativity. I will make a rubric depending upon which you choose.

You may do an individual project, or work in a small 

Due date: TBA

1. Write and read the Roman Evening News reporting the events of Book IV in a journalistic style.

2. Write and stage a Roman game show based upon a current TV show’s format using Book IV as the game.

3. Draw a cartoon (Manga) about Caesar’s invasion of Britain.

4. Write and perform an Invasion of Britain soap opera.

5. Write a gossip columnist’s report about an incident during the invasion.

Week of 10/22-26, 2012

Monday-Friday: Book 5, CH 26-30 Meltdown in Gaul

Friday: Vocabulary Quiz

I am working on a project for you to assess Book 4. Details to be announced. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week of October 15-19

Monday and Tuesday: We will finish "Murder in Rome", the story of the trial that made Cicero famous. Then we will read and translate Chapter 2 of De Senectute.

Wednesday: PSAT--no class for us.

Thursday and Friday: New vocabulary list #5, Translate Book 5 Chapters 24-25 in class and at home. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week of October 8-12

Tuesday: Book IV Review/Questions

Tuesday-Friday: Outside reading: Cicero “De Senectute”

Friday: Vocabulary Quiz 4

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week of October 1-5, 2012

Monday 10/1: Book 4 Chapter 31

       New vocabulary list ( Board)

       Translate CH 4.31

Tuesday 10/2: 

       Vocabulary review ( Board

       Translate CH 4.32

Wednesday 10/3:

            Vocabulary review ( Board)

            Grammar Review: Infinitives and Indirect Statement (Latin III book, p. 22-23)

             Translate CH 4.33

Thursday 10/4:

             Vocabulary review ( Board)

             Translate CH 4.34

Friday 10/5:

             Vocabulary review ( Board)

             Complete 4.34/Go over 4.35 and end of Book 4

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week of September 24-28

Monday: Check of last week's translations for grade
                Complete 4.27 and begin 4.28
                Vocabulary 3 Review

Tuesday: Complete 4.28, begin 4.29. 
                Grammar: Participles (from Latin III book)
                Review Vocabulary 3

Wednesday: Complete 4.29, Begin 4.30
                     Grammar: Ablative Absolutes (from Latin III book)
                     Review Vocabulary 3

Thursday: Complete 4.30
                  Review Vocabulary 3

Friday: Vocabulary 3 Quiz
             Discuss/take up translations

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of 9/17/2012

Caesar Invades Britain

Monday: I will be on Freshman Retreat. You guys go wherever it is I told you. It's posted on the classroom door.

Tuesday-Friday: We will continue from Book IV.24 and get through Chapter 30, if possible.

                          New vocabulary (#3) list on Wednesday.

I am still working on your tests. Give me time.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week of September 10-14

Several things are going on this week:

1) Test on Friday over Book I. It will contain some translation, grammar questions from the text (ellipsis, asyndeton, polysendeton, gerunds, gerundives, gerundive of obligation), and general questions over the story.

Monday: Go over remainder of Book I that you were to read in translation.

Tuesday-Thursday: Work on Book IV, Chapters 24-26.

Friday: Test over Book I. Turn in Chapter 24-26 translations.

A note on the readings in translation: due to the syllabus pacing, we will not be able to read everything in class. You will have to do most of that on your own so we can cover the required translations in class, as well as the grammar lessons and readings from other authors. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week of September 3-7, 2012

We will have weird, wacky schedules on Thursday and Friday due to the football game on Thursday, so be prepared to use the short time we have in class on those days wisely. No time to fool around!

Monday: Labor Day Holiday. You can come to school if you wish, but don't expect to see me there.


1) Read/translate/discuss Book I Chapters 6-7. After this we will read the rest of the book in English (in your textbook) and head to Book 4.

2) Vocabulary Quiz 2 on Friday.

3) Grammar: gerundives. Woot!

I will schedule a test next week, date TBA. It can cover everything we've read, translated, discussed, grammar, literary devices used by Caesar, etc. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week of August 27th. Goodbye, Orgetorix

This week:

1. Read/translate/discuss Book I Chapters 4 & 5
2. New set of Caesar vocabulary
3. Grammar: gerunds and gerundives (bring Latin III book if you have it). 
4. Written questions over Chapters 4 & 5.

Coming soon: our first test over Chapters 1-5. Gaudeamus!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week of August 20, 2012

Orgetorix Coin (Image from Wikipedia)

This week we will...

  • Translate Book 1, Chapters 2 & 3--sight-read and discuss in class.
  • Have a grammar lesson over "ut" clauses, and one on a topic to be determined
  • Have vocabulary quiz over the first 10 words on Friday.
Translation will be due on Friday. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Map of Gallia Antiqua

The Roman Province, "Provincia", is at the bottom right bordered in green. This is where Caesar's story begins. The three parts into which ancient Gaul was divided are clearly seen. Remember that Gallia was not just modern France, but Belgium, parts of the Netherlands, northern Italy, and bits of Germany as well.

The part of the map labeled "Italia" was actually called "Gallia Cisalpina" by the Romans, i.e., Gaul this side of the Alps. To the Romans, Italia began at the Rubicon River. Gaul on the other side of the Alps was called "Gallia Transalpina".  

Week 1: 8/14-17/2012

Outside of Class:

Read and translate Book I, Chapter I (Should be easy since we did this already in Latin III)

Vocabulary: We will learn/review 10 words per week of Caesar/Vergil vocabulary. You can go here to practice and study the vocab for the first quiz on 8/24

In Class:

Tuesday & Wednesday: Go over course syllabus & expectations, tour the textbook (your best friend).

Thursday: Sight-read, work on translation.

Friday: Translation due, class graded discussion on Chapter 1

Next Week 8/20-24:

Read & Translate Book I, Chapters 2 & 3

Vocabulary Quiz 1 (Friday)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Before school starts...

...and when you have your Caesar text, read the introduction for Caesar's background and overview of the Gallic Wars. This is information you will be expected to know on the first test. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome Aboard, AP Latin!

Welcome to Latin IV AP: Caesar and Vergil!

If you have already looked over the syllabus, the course appears to be quite daunting. It will be challenging and require much hard work, but you can do it. The main thing is to complete tasks by the due dates, pay attention in class, be prepared for each class session, and ask lots of questions. Come to tutorials as needed.

We will discuss day-by-day operations when we meet, and how each syllabus requirement will be met. I will give you a copy of the class calendar so you know what to expect each week. 

We will begin with Caesar's Gallic Wars because I felt it was a good transition back into Latin, and it will be a good preparation for the rigors of the Aeneid. Both works are almost contemporaneous, and what happened during the death     throws of the Republic deeply influenced Vergil. 

I will be putting your weekly lesson plans on this blog. Please subscribe to receive updates as I make them. I will also have Q & A here as part of your assignments as well as other things. This will be our internet home. 

Bona Fortuna!

Magister Wood